Navicat Monitor

Server Monitor (Available only in Full Version) Navicat provides Server Monitor to view properties of selected server(s). Select Tools- Server Monitor and select the preferred server type from the main menu. Note: Available only for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server and MariaDB. SQL Azure does not support. Display a list of processes from all servers selected. Click “user name” on the top right hand column, select “Activation” Then enter the Navicat Monitor Token Key under “Enter Token Key:” and click “Activate”. Navicat Monitor is an agҽntlҽss rҽmotҽ monitoring tool that givҽs you thҽ possibility to қҽҽp tracқ of all your sҽrvҽrs worldwidҽ, whҽthҽr you prҽfҽr worқing with MySQL, MariaDB or Pҽrcona Sҽrvҽr. It's compatiblҽ with somҽ popular cloud databasҽs liқҽ Amazon RDS and Aurora, Googlҽ Cloud, Oraclҽ Cloud, Alibaba Cloud. Buy Navicat Monitor in Navicat online store. For each order, only 1 key will be received. 1 key can only be activated on a single machine which has installed Navicat Monitor.

Server Monitor (Available only in Full Version)

Navicat provides Server Monitor to view properties of selected server(s). Select Tools -> Server Monitor and select the preferred server type from the main menu.

Note: Available only for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server and MariaDB. SQL Azure does not support.

Process List

Display a list of processes from all servers selected.

To stop the selected process, click End Process button.

Navicat monitor keygen

Auto refresh
If you want to take action on auto-refreshing the server in assigned seconds, choose View -> Set Auto Refresh Time and enter an auto refresh value. To disable auto refresh feature, choose View -> Auto Refresh.

Navicat Monitor Download

Note: Effect will take once you assign the value.

The process list provides the following information depends on the database type you are chosen: MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server and MariaDB.

  • Server name that is given while setting the connection.
  • Process ID on the server.
  • Serial number of the process.
  • Current user who log in to the server.
  • Host from which the user is connected.
  • Database that the user is currently used.
  • Last command that was issued by the user.
  • Time, state and info of the process.
  • CPU Time and state of the process.


Display the list of all server variables and their values.

Note: Available only for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and MariaDB.

Navicat Monitor Key

Hint: To edit variable value in MySQL and Oracle servers, click or press CTRL+ENTER to open editor for editing. The value in PostgreSQL server cannot be edited here. (Those variables can be set using the SET statement, by editing the postgresql.conf configuration file.)

Navicat Monitor Keygen


Display the list of all server status and their values.

Navicat Monitored

Note: Available only for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and MariaDB.