- QuartzCode is a fast, lightweight, powerful animation tool which generates Objective-C and Swift code for iOS and OS X on-the-fly. It's the quickest way to learn and master Core Animation, and lets you experiment with complex animation without coding skills.
- QuartzCode for Mac是一款非常专业的动画制作开发工具,QuartzCode for mac支持将矢量绘图和动画转换为Objective-C和Swift代码,轻松帮你制作动画,QuartzCode for mac弥合了开发人员,设计师和动画师之间的差距。从6个独特的层次和超过25个可动画属性中选择和组合,以创建令人惊叹的动画。.
Quartzcode Mac
QuartzCode for Mac是一款非常专业的动画制作开发工具,QuartzCode for mac支持将矢量绘图和动画转换为Objective-C和Swift代码,轻松帮你制作动画,QuartzCode for mac弥合了开发人员,设计师和动画师之间的差距。.
Wan Ahmad Lutfi has introduced QuartzCode (http://www.quartzcodeapp.com), a code generator tool for Mac OS X.
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Quartz Countertops For Kitchens
It’s an animation tool that turns vector drawings and animation into Objective C code. With QuartzCode, developers and designers can create new or use existing assets and transform them into complex animations without writing code. Supporting Core Animation and UIView block-based code generation, QuartzCode is readable and can be modified in real-time.
Quartzcode 破解版
It requires Mac OS X Mavericks or later. It’s available at the Mac App Store in the Developer Tools category for US$79.99 for a limited time (it’s normally $99)