Discord Markdown

  1. Discord Markdown 101
Feb 27th, 2018
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  1. Syntax highlighting and formatting:
  2. *italics* = italics
  3. **bold** = bold
  4. __Underline__ = Underline
  5. __***underline bold italics***__ = underline bold italics
  6. single back-tick = single line block
  7. Use 3 back-ticks
  8. put syntax next to 3 back-ticks at the beginning
  9. asciidoc = asciidoc highlighting
  10. bash = bash highlighting
  11. cpp = C++ highlighting
  12. css = CSS highlighting
  13. fix = fix highlighting
  14. html = html highlighting
  15. json = json highlighting
  16. ml = ml highlighting
  17. py = python highlighting
  18. xl = xl highlighting
  19. apache = Apache highlighting
  20. java = Java highlighting
  21. makefile = Makefile highlighting
  22. objectivec = Objective-C highlighting
  23. php = php highlighting
  24. shell = Shell Session highlighting
  25. arm = ARM highlighting
  26. llvm = LLVM highlighting
  27. x86 = x86 highlighting
  28. dns = dns zone highlighting
  29. dsconfig = dsconfig highlighting
  30. ldif = ldif highlighting
  31. roboconf = roboconf highlighting
  32. matt mods - 29/10/2017
  33. scss = scss highlighting
  34. 1c = 1c highlighting
  35. cacheobjectscript = cache object script highlighting
  36. livecode = LiveCode highlighting
  37. clean = clean highlighting
  38. elixir = elixir highlighting
  39. erlangrepl = Erlang repel highlighting
  40. filx = filx highlighting
  41. haskell = haskell highlighting
  42. scala = scala highlighting
  43. xquery = XQuery highlighting
  44. mel = MEL highlighting
  45. rendermanrib = RenderMan RIB highlighting
  46. clojurerepl = Clojure REPL highlighting
  47. hy = Hy highlighting
  48. scheme = Scheme highlighting
  49. protocolbuffers = Protocol Buffers highlighting
  50. fortan = Fortan highlighting
DiscordMarkdownDiscord markdown url

Markdown Text Markdown text is the plain text formatting syntax for Discord 's text channels. Markdown works in any text channel. Discord Markdown I needed to render some Discord chat logs as HTML, and found that the Markdown implementation in Discord isn't quite compliant with Common Markdown as Discord uses a simplified version. So I wrote this library that allows you to convert a discord message written in the Markdown formatting syntax specified here to html. Although Markdown was originally created for basic text editors and online forums and platforms, it soon found its way to a number of apps, including Discord. It is capable of formatting words and sentences into bold, italicized, underlined, etc., by interpreting special characters like an asterisk, tilde, backslash, etc., placed before. Sep 14, 2020 Discord Markdown is the most lightweight and simple markup language created in 2004. It’s the backbone of text formatting in Discord as it uses symbols to format words into Bold, Italics, and underlined, and much more. So, let the fun begin, Shall we? Discord Mic Not working.

Discord Markdown
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Discord Markdown 101