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Status:Removed from the database.
Either it is no longer free, is currently not functioning, or was removed for some other reason.
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Description:ImageZilla is a free dedicated digital content hosting service, with no registration required. The browser upload form limits uploading to one file at a time, and gives your links in several formats. Direct linking images is allowed, and can be used on message boards, auctions, and other web sites. Powered by Linux on a dedicated server. File types allowed: jpeg, jpg, png, gif, bmp, tif, tiff, swf (Flash files). Maximum file size: 1,024 kilobytes. Images are not deleted unless they violate their Terms of Service.
Date Added:Jan 20, 2005.
Last Modified:Mar 15, 2005.
User Rating:
# Votes:111101836672

Average Rating: 8.37 / 10

Total Votes: 109

17 User Reviews of

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2005-03-16 - (IP: 69.241.x.x) - Rated: 1
I REALLY liked the idea of no storage or time limits and the fact that I can link from my own site to this one. I keep a personal site, and while each photo is only about 50K in size, I have over 50 MBs worth of them which is more than my ISP will store. Anyway - there have been several occasions when I was unable to log in, or the server was unavailable, or asking for a password to just view files that were not meant to be protected. Each time causes a little frustration but isn't the end of the world. Finally today I check the site and it says NO more uploads, and that ALL images will be removed in the next two weeks! THIS IS TERRIBLE. I have put a fair amount of time into redirecting image links to this site, and of course all that time and effort uploading my images. No explanation. THIS has got to be the worst possible thing a site like this can do.
2005-03-15 - (IP: 70.243.x.x) - Rated: 2
Everything was running smoothly for the past two or three weeks and then suddenly they had server problems of some sort, all my signatures and graphics on several different networks suddenly got replaced with boxes and suddenly anyone in any thread of mine where i had posted was being prompted for a login to and then I had to go find another host for the bulk of my images, am in the process of finding yet others, tried to respond to the webmaster and got a mailer daemon message, so I contacted the website via their help page, haven't been able to log in there now. I have requested assistance from them and even went through the contact for the Imagezilla webmaster after seeing a 401 error.
2005-03-14 - (IP: 63.238.x.x) - Rated: 10
This is an amazing free service. Nothing else I've ever seen is as dependable as Imagezilla. Been using for several months with no problems.
2005-02-24 - (IP: 68.227.x.x) - Rated: 10
Cooolest picture hosting website.
2005-02-04 - (IP: 128.97.x.x) - Rated: 3
a clone of, and whats with asking for 10/10 ratings? Would help if it'd state what the b/w limit is too before blocking images.
2005-01-30 - (IP: 63.229.x.x) - Rated: 8
Not the best but really really fast and its dedicated server for a free service. I wanna know the bandwidth limit.
2005-01-29 - (IP: 81.178.x.x) - Rated: 10
very good, done exactly what i needed. 10/10 for me.
2005-01-29 - (IP: 218.111.x.x) - Rated: 10
Great Hoster!
2005-01-29 - (IP: 81.168.x.x) - Rated: 10
Excellent got my images up in no time.
2005-01-27 - (IP: 195.229.x.x) - Rated: 10
The Best I have ever used Image Hosting servce.

17 User Reviews of

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