Azure Remote Desktop Server

  1. Azure Remote Desktop Services 2019 Rds Farm
  2. Terminal Services In Azure
  3. Azure Remote Desktop Server
  4. Azure Remote Desktop Server Download
  5. Azure Remote Desktop Services Sso

Apr 16, 2020 Remote Desktop Services can be used for session-based virtualization, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), or a combination of these two services. Microsoft RDS can be used to help secure on-premises deployments, cloud deployments, and remote services from various Microsoft partners ( e.g., Citrix). Applies to: Windows Server (Semi-Annual Channel), Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2. Remote Desktop Services (RDS) is the platform of choice to cost-effectively host Windows desktops and applications. You can use an Azure Marketplace offering or a quickstart template to quickly create an RDS on Azure IaaS.


Remote Desktop Services (RDS) or as it was previously known, Windows Terminal Server, has been the remote access backbone protocol to Windows servers since Windows Server 2003.

The ability to remotely access and interact with the graphical user interface (GUI) on a Windows server is a critical operational function for Windows systems administrators everywhere. For this reason, every Windows server allows up to two concurrent remote desktop connections giving sysadmins the ability to login to a server remotely and manage it.

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However, this remote access and management capability can do much more for business than merely ease the burden of IT systems management. Giving users the ability to access and work on a remote machine has multiple real business benefits such as reduced costs, improved efficiencies and the option to rapidly deploy and manage advanced end-user applications.

The business benefits of Microsoft Azure RDS

1 – Delivering a single application experience


The Internet has indeed transformed the way we work and communicate. Flexibility is an underlying theme throughout the modern workplace which gives users the freedom to work on a variety of different platforms while engaged on a single task or assignment. However, there are times when users need to use a specific application which only runs on Windows. If the user is on a non-Windows device such as an Apple or Chromebook, working on a Windows-only application is just not possible.

RDS solves this problem as it allows organizations to create a unified remote desktop experience for all users. By configuring an RDS environment, businesses can give users on any platform access to use the specialized application. Also, delivering applications this way also provides standardization and eases management’s burden of making sure every user is on the latest version.

2 – Data security

Working remotely has truly transformed the occupational landscape, but it also creates data security challenges. When all users work in a single location, data security is easier as the organization has direct control over the data storage location and can manage access to the data source. However, when users are accessing data remotely, there is a risk of users copying data to their end-user devices or using public filesharing services which create a serious security risk if left unmanaged.

If organizations choose to deploy RDS as their remote work solution, this data risk is mitigated. All data is stored on servers under the direct management of the organization giving businesses the oversight and control they need over data flow and access.

3 – Processing power

In a world where processing power is increasing on an exponential scale, developers build applications which leverage the additional system resources available. After all, the greater the resources, the better the performance of the application and the more it can accomplish in less time. However, not all end-user devices are capable of running high resource intensive applications. Older devices may struggle to run applications which are CPU and memory intensive, negatively impacting the productivity of the end-user.

Because RDS is server-based, high resource intensive applications can run smoothly. In addition, having a single instance of the application to manage eases the operational burden on the IT team, and the total cost of ownership is much less. For example, if there is a need for additional hardware they can be added to a single server which costs far less than upgrading multiple end-user devices.

4 – Simplified management

Standardization is a crucial principle in IT management as it lightens the administrative burden increasing efficiency while lowering costs. Furthermore, there are real business benefits with adopting simple solutions that have fewer moving parts as these are easier to manage and cost less over time.

Azure Remote Desktop Services 2019 Rds Farm

Deploying any solution through RDS is an answer which is both standardized and simplified. Administrators can deploy complex solutions in a single instance without the need to manage multiple operating environments. Also, any maintenance needs only to be performed once which dramatically reduces the time and increases security associated with system updates, backups and similar operational tasks.

5 – Reduced costs

Cost reduction is an overarching objective of every organization be it a commercial enterprise or a non-profit. Economic scarcity is a reality every business deals with, and cost reduction allocates more financial resources to invest in strategic initiatives which ultimately ensure the prosperity and survival of the organization.

RDS reduces the overall cost of IT infrastructure. As discussed, it does this directly by minimizing the investment needed in hardware and software and indirectly by reducing overhead costs associated with IT operations.

Terminal Services In Azure

6 – Improved redundancy and uptime

Azure Remote Desktop Server

Today’s world is dependent on online services, and any downtime has a monumental impact on both the organization and its users. Loss of revenue, loss of productivity and a negative impact on reputation are all real consequences when systems and services go down unexpectedly. To ensure optimal uptime, businesses need to invest in solutions with built-in redundancy to ensure resiliency in mitigating risks which threaten system availability.

As RDS is a server-based solution, organizations can easily configure the platform for maximum uptime by deploying multiple instances of the same RDS solution across several servers. In addition, RDS solutions are implemented in data centers which have the necessary infrastructure redundancy built-in. If a single node or service should fail, the impact will be negligible as the solution remains online and users are still able to work. Although building a redundant RDS solution does increase the overall cost, the additional expenditure is negligible when compared to the investment needed in creating redundancy for an end-user computing environment.

Azure Remote Desktop Services

Azure Remote Desktop Services takes the benefits of RDS and expands the offering by providing RDS on a global enterprise-grade cloud platform.

With the Microsoft Azure platform, organizations can rapidly deploy a cost-effective, redundant and scalable platform to host Windows desktops and applications. Deployment is further simplified with the option of Azure Marketplace offerings or quickstart templates so organizations can get their RDS platform configured and ready to use in a matter of minutes.

As Microsoft manages the underlying infrastructure, choosing to deploy RDS on Azure gives organizations the flexibility and benefits that come with a world-class Infrastructure as a Service offering. The advanced hardware, software, and networking requirements are taken care of, giving organizations the freedom to concentrate on building solutions which are relevant and add value to their business. Also, the pay-per-use model and no upfront capital expenditure makes Azure RDS an affordable option for businesses of any size looking to deploy and manage remote operating environments.

The opportunities which now exist with cloud-based IT infrastructure offer a myriad of business opportunities where companies can leverage their budgets and gain much higher productivity like never before. Virtual Machines and Remote Desktops bring the future into the moment where collaboration with remote access and on-premise workers can promote far more business progress than even just a decade ago. All devices can now be used to access an organization’s technological resources from almost anywhere via an Internet connection.

With the maturity of virtual environments over cloud-based systems like Azure, now is the time to take advantage of all that Microsoft’s products have to offer. Cloud-based computing is here to stay, operates with high available efficiency and provides top security as well as business continuity. When developing your virtual environment, whether on-premises, through Azure, or a combination of the two, Royal Discount can provide all the services you need, including streamlined traditional business practices when IT infrastructure models include Microsoft Azure Cloud Services.

Remote desktop and virtual machines have now become a common standard, requiring management of licensed Remote Desktop Services (RDS). Royal Discount can assist with all your licensing needs, including those for Remote Desktop Services as well as implementation and deployment of your remote desktop infrastructure servers.

RDS requires specific licensing within 120 days of deployment, so let us help you obtain and apply your licences. The process requires both purchasing the requisite number of licenses to meet your corporate needs as well as installing a RDS license server, then activating the server and licenses properly. The choice of licensing is yours between two modes, per user or per device. We are here to assist with strategic choices so you can get the most out of your implementation.

Additionally, RDS requires a number of different kinds of servers to be installed aside from a licensing server. These can be either physical or VM servers, or even a combination of both, but it does require some planning. Royal Discounts is here to provide all the assistance necessary to determine what kind of servers are needed and help you plan and deploy a your RDS platform.

With the current wave of business virtualization in computing, RDS has become the platform of choice when companies build-out their virtualization environments. Making the proper choices for delivering virtualized applications and Remote Desktop deployment can make all the difference between success or less. Both Windows Server 2016 as on-premises deployment and Microsoft Azure Cloud Services offer a robust set of partner solutions which are highly complementary of each other, cost-efficient, secure, redundant and scalable.

Important applications like SQL and others can easily be trusted to new cloud instances and RDS, when properly installed and licensed, is the bridge between your employees and profitability. RDS provides two main architecture types:

  • Basic deployment is available and contains a minimum number of servers which can be built in a matter of minutes over cloud services, thereafter providing a fully effective RDS environment.
  • High availability (HA) deployment provides the highest guarantees of uptime for the most critical, high-speed components to keep an RDS environment always available.

These common RDS architectures are based upon the already existent Active Directory (AD) which is already deployed on a Windows server domain whether on physical servers or remote VM’s located in Azure. Even customers without an AD environment deployed can make use of Azure AD Domain Services and create a fully managed domain which is secured and always available. The RDS architecture can easily be linked into any AD implementation and Azure AD Domain Services can also be applied in a basic deployment or as HA.

Many organizations will find that the RD Web/Gateway servers which face the Internet as an entry point for the RDS system will be an extremely beneficial architecture. Meanwhile, other organizations may prefer an internal RDS architecture, providing external access only through reverse proxy technologies. Either scenario is viable and possible with the proper planning and execution.

With the RemoteDdesktop Session Host (RD Session Host), your users can access apps from desktops running on anything from Windows, MacOS, iOS, or Android. Web client connections over supported browsers are also available and apps offered to a variety of devices can be organized according to RD Session Hosts into collections. These collections can be further organized into specific groups so only departments meant to use them will have the access.

Even small deployments are possible and Royal Discounts can help with these important architecture choices. Applications can even be directly installed onto RD Session Hosts where cost and size of the infrastructure are a concern.

Collections on RD Session Hosts can be expanded by adding more of these host servers especially as VM’s, creating a collection farm for use with broader availability sets. Higher collection availability provides easily scalable RDS environments with support for a growing number of users and even resource-heavy applications.

Here are some further benefits many organizations experience when shifting to Remote Desktops and VM’s over RDS:

Azure Remote Desktop Server Download

  • With complete cloud implementations hardware upgrades are eliminated, while hybrid implementations reduce upgrade needs over time. A full cloud implementation provides the newest features and software available, especially when deploying applications over RDS.
  • With heavy or fully managed cloud instances, uptime for services is over 99% guaranteed with Azure’s top security measures in both the cloud and at physical locations.
  • Trusted support is always available to satisfy client needs, with experience and tools which provide seamless scalability and performance to growing businesses of any size.

Azure Remote Desktop Services Sso

Royal Discount is available for consultation, licensing, implementation and support servicces of your growing computing needs including those for virtual environments, especially when providing your apps to your company or the world using Remote Desktop Services.


To learn more about Virtual Machines, Remote Desktops and RDS, contact our experts at Your online source for cheap OEM, Retail & Cloud products.